Am I Filipino yet?
I follow Asian washroom techniques (TMI?)
Am I Filipino yet?
I prefer RC Cola to Coke or Mountain Dew.
Am I Filipino yet?
I use a tabo to bathe...
Am I Filipino yet?
I'm hungry within an hour if I haven't eaten rice.
(Surely that means I'm Filipino!)
I ask myself questions in Tagalog while I'm getting ready in the morning.
Am I Filipino yet?
I try so hard to mould myself to this culture, in some ways without even knowing or noticing it. What's going to happen when I go home? Am I going to know who I am anymore, apart from my Filipino friends and family? The tabo, the RC, the corned beef, they're just things. They're just stuff. I can get along without them. But I look around at my friends I love so much. They are the ones I will need when I go home. What will I do without them?

God, do I belong here? I feel like I do. My heart's desire is to live here. But am I just trying to make God's will fit with my wants? It doesn't work that way... It really doesn't. I still get to make my own choices, I could just choose to live here, even if it was apart from His plan. But the truth is, I don't want to be outside of His plan. I've lived that way before, and I simply don't want it anymore. Never again. Let me be a servant, worthy of what I've been called to, for however long my service should be. I serve out of love. I serve in response to the knowledge that I've been bought with a heavy price. Someone gave his life for me. One day, a long time ago, he hung in the air, stuck to a tree by the nails in his hands and feet. But was it the nails that held him there? If he was really the Son of God, then he had all the power in the world to get himself off that cross. No, it wasn't nails that held him there, it was love. It was my face, and your face, that he saw in his mind. And so he stayed there. There's not much I can offer him. But I will gladly give him my life, in response to him giving his for me. It is my reasonable service. (Romans 12:1 NKJ) I only pray now that he would give me the strength to remain undivided unto him. That he would help me to give my everything- not just a part.
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