Basketball is huge at frontline! I've never met so many people in one place who love basketball so much. It was fun! We got to watch a lot of games and we ended up playing a lot of volleyball too.
Now that I'm home, (Cainta home) I regret not having written another blog while I was there, because of how much would happen in just one day. Now I feel like I couldn't possibly remember everything.
The highlights were visiting FTC, (face the children) which is a compound set aside specifically for kids who have lost their parents or been picked up off the streets and brought to safety. Some of their stories are really amazing, and heartbreaking. But God is good and he brings restoration. We also went to a prison in San Pablo city and I was blessed to take part in worship with a group of the convicts. They've been saved by God's grace, and in turn give their praise to him. Talk about inspiring... you can't know what that's like until you're there- listening to prisoners sing "how great is our God". I could cry right now just thinking about it. I can't wait to show my friends and family some of the photos I took and the video footage Dani and Matt got. Dani is putting together what's turning out to be almost a full length film haha. And it's wonderfully done, so I'm excited to show everyone. The day after the prison ministry we went to a hospital and prayed for the patients. We went to the third floor and mostly stuck with pediatrics. There was one baby there, born roughly 5 months premature. This baby had already been out of the womb for over a month but she looked... well. I can't explain how she looked. She was in an incubator or anything, she was just laid on a hospital bed with a blanket placed over her tiny little body so only her face showed. Her name is Angel, and her twin died only a week before we visited. I still pray for that baby, and for her poor Dad who sat so faithfully at her side. I can't imagine what thoughts and pleas are going through his mind. What is that like?
Perhaps one of the most impacting moments I've had during this whole trip was when we visited a dumpsite where a large group of people are living. They collect different things from the rubbish, like coils, or plastics, glass, whatever they can find of any value I guess. And even children will do this, which I don't need to say is incredibly dangerous. We visited some families that come to one of Frontline's churches. Our time of fellowship with them was really good. The pastor just goes in to check up on them and bring encouragement, and remind them to come on sunday. I still haven't sorted out exactly how terrible the living conditions were, especially with all the hazards. But again, it goes without saying that this is not an ideal way to live and bring up children. I've got some pictures that I look forward to sharing. Maybe I'll make up a slideshow or a video and show some churches. It needs to be known that our brothers and sisters are living this way. And that babies are growing up in trash. I can't talk more about that right now.
San Pablo was beautiful, but I'm glad to be back in Cainta too. I'm pretty sure that as a team we agree- it's good to be home. Anyway, it's time for me to find something productive to do lol. Maybe see if I can help make dinner or read some more bible. Right now I'm in Genesis, I'm in chapter 17 when God declares circumcision as a symbol of the covenant between Him and Abraham. How funny is our God that of all places he could have chosen to cut skin, it had to be the willy? Haha. I just find that humorous. But then He's also the God who made bunnies and sea horses so I can't really be too surprised can I? He does lots of crazy things lol.
Be strengthened and encouraged- take heart, for He has overcome the world! Amen!
love, ang (angle/little guy/naan bread/lobby the lobster)
haha, i've got a few nicknames these days.
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